
Bunions are a common condition where the big toe moves inwards towards the lesser toes. You are more likely to get a bunion if the deformity runs in your family which suggests a genetic cause. Footwear may well be a factor however studies have shown that in communities where they don't wear footwear, people can still develop Bunions.

Obviously there is a cosmetic aspect to this condition due to the deformity but it can also cause pain and problems with footwear. Due to the bony enlargement of the big toe joint finding footwear to accommodate this can be a problem. Also if the shoes rub over the bony prominence of the joint this can be painful.

The bony changes around the big toe joint can cause pain from within the joint itself and dysfunction of the foot.

Treatment may well consist of night splints and exercises to slow progression and good footwear and orthotics to reduce pain and improve function.

Beyond conservative measures you can opt to have surgery however there are some significant risks and potential complications you would need to consider.